Rosie Huntington-Whitely witnessed two forms of Transformation yesterday…
1) She Transformed her Locks and got her Hair Did
2) She saw what it’s like when you’re really under the spotlight of Media Scrutiny, Just as she finds herself now that “Transformers 3: Dark Of The Moon” is just about a month away.
But this is no ordinary image of a Celebrity and Paparazzi..

Carly is caught on the attack, and even her Protector... "BumbleBuzz" can't even fend off Pappa MegaClopz
NOOOooooooOOoooo !!!
This is Carly, Sam Witwicky’s new lady now that his former girl, Mikaela, has been given the axe from all Autobot Wars after mouthing off to the Autobot Ruler “Mikolaus Bayme“… Who some rumored was a possible fling interest just get her place in the Autobot line.
Carly is dashing out of the Byron & Tracy Salon in Beverly Hills… When she finds herself in a direct face-off against The Supremely Evil “Pappa MegaClopz“, ultimately ruler over the region of Beverly Hills and Hollywood.
Pappa MegaClopz, or as the pop-culture realm knows him… “Pappa… PappaClopzy”
“Pappa MegaClopz” is evil and invasive… His 40 eyes capture every moment and every angle of every subject’s worst nightmares… picking of the nose… a slip of the foot, or even worse, provoked assaults.
When he Transforms, he transforms from one huge 40-eyed Decepticon, into 40-separate crazed and relentless individuals, each attempting to cover a different square inch of its subject.
When these 40 Individuals have separated, they form a virtually impenetrable wall, known as the “Wall Of Intrusion‘… Hindering their subjects from all paths of freedom en route to their vehicles of escape.
Lucky for Carly, she wore “Stathamized Bling“…
Transformed into the shape of her “non-engagement” rings“. (rhyme)
It is the only weapon powerful enough to blind the floating lenses of Pappa MegaClopz and his Wall Of Intrusion… Making Carly one of the few individuals able to escape the embarassment of Pappa Clopzy and his worldwide viewership. One of Mega Clopzy’s members even loses his footing, falling head over heels for the beautiful Carly and her “Stathamized Bling”. “Stathamized Bling” is a group of two precious and rarest of stones, one small and one ridiculously large, from the “Cybertron” Home Planet of the Transformers. Nicknamed “Sta-Blingy” was passed on to her by her former lover, Jason Statham…
Until Sam showed her what really Transforms a boy… Into a Man.
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