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18 Year-Old Gets “Bumblebee” Camaro For His Birthday… Michael Bay Rains On Their Parade



To Bee… Or Not To Bee… That Is The Question

So I was just rollin round Beverly Hills last night, when I saw a Transformers “Bumblebee” style Camaro being parked by Valet, with a huge Bow on it, as if it were a gift. I figured that would be loads of fun, since most people only see stuff like that on Lexus commercials for Christmas.

The car was parked right in front of Antonio Sabato Jr.’s Restaurant, Prego, which is right up the street from Mr. Chow’s on Camden. As it turns out, it was a young man’s 18th Birthday by the name of Zhobin Sadeghi. And while the entire family and extended family were celebrating inside, Valet was pulling up Zhobin’s Surprise.

As any person would, he came out elated with his gift, and it because an even greater celebration for the family in the streets. One of my TMZ homeys was there and the family was so excited about the possibility of their celebration airing on television, they began chanting their domain letters as Zhobin drove off.

When I asked Zhobin’s mother, Margan why she chose to get her son such an incredible 18th Birthday Gift, she simply stated with a huge smile of joy on her face, “Because He Is Such A Good Boy“.

The Sadeghi Family “Bee”-Day Gift

A few hours later into the evening, Michael Bay, Director of the Transformers Film Franchise, just so happen to be doing a little celebrating of his own at The Beverly In West Hollywood, but we’ll get back to his celebrations more a little later…

So I decided to ask him as we caught up with him leaving in his Bentley Coupe, if he thinks an 18 year old should get a Bumblebee Camaro for his Birthday. His answer was “No, You should actually work for your car like I did when I was a kid“. He then added, “Parents shouldn’t buy their kids cars”. I asked him why he felt that way, and if it was because it’s too dangerous. He said “Yes“.  You can see this conversation at 3m:30s into the video clip below

Well, Margan Sadeghi, owner of Panache Coiffure & Panache Kids Hair Salon on Montana Avenue in Santa Monica, says that Michael Bay should take responsibility for his own actions.

The Mother and Beauty Entrepreneur said in her defense “How can he speak this way when the popularity of these cars amongst young men, are because of the films he makes“.

I def think she has a point there.

Click Here To Visit Panache Coiffure & Panache Kids Website… Tell em SunOfHollywood.com sent ya  ;)


Photos and Exclusive Video: www.SunOfHollywood.com




Photos and Exclusive Video: www.SunOfHollywood.com

The Sadeghi Family “Bee”-Day Gift To Bee… Or Not To Bee… That Is The Question


Photos and Exclusive Video: www.SunOfHollywood.com


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